MeRT Treatment For PTSD
In Tucson, AZ

tms for ptsd in tucson az

Non-Invasive and Drug-Free PTSD Treatment

New Hope for Treating Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD, can happen to anyone at any age. Some people can recover from extreme trauma in time, but others experience the effects of that trauma for months or years. And sometimes, the symptoms get worse.

If you have PTSD — or even suspect that you do — you know how painful it can be, and how impossible it feels to move on with life. Having PTSD doesn’t mean you’re weak, and it’s vital to get the correct treatment to ease the symptoms. Yet, while PTSD may improve with medication and therapy, 20-50% of all patients don’t respond to conventional treatments.

But there is hope. It’s called MeRT or Magnetic e-Resonance Therapy. It’s non-invasive, drug-free, and lasting. And it’s had some spectacular results when treating PTSD.

ptsd treatment in tucson az

A Safe, Effective PTSD Treatment: MeRT

How MeRT Works to Improve Mood, Reduce Anxiety, and More

MeRT is a breakthrough treatment that combines comprehensive diagnostic testing with FDA-cleared non-invasive treatment to restore balance to the brain. Once the imaging locates the problem areas, gently magnetic waves stimulate the brain to create new connections or renew old ones that are impaired. As the brain activity balances out, the patient can experience live-changing improvements in mood.

The qEEG (quantitative electroencephalogram) is the key to MeRT’s success. Also called brain mapping, the qEEG can show any imbalance in brainwave activity.

Patients with PTSD have markers that are clearly visible in their EEG studies. Through this brain map, we can see an imbalance in brainwave activity. Then, through a highly personalized treatment plan using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and the results of the qEEG, we strengthen healthy brainwave activity.

This treatment can result in a significant reduction in PTSD symptoms.

Many people who experience post-traumatic stress also suffer from conditions such as depression and anxiety. MeRT treatment can relieve those conditions as well.

MeRT is a non-invasive, drug-free protocol that uses sophisticated diagnostics to develop a highly tailored treatment plan. We use magnetic waves to stimulate precisely targeted areas of the brain, which can result in significant symptom improvement.


The body does most of the work for you

“Functionally, what’s happening is we’re reminding the brain where it wants to be, where it’s most comfortable. It’s tapping into our natural biological mechanism.”

“Mother nature engineered us as healing organisms, whether it’s putting two ends of a broken bone together, allowing it to heal, or two ends of a wound together. In this case, sometimes our brain will get stuck in a frequency that it’s not comfortable at.”

“We’re just giving it that friendly reminder to go back… and giving it that stimulation where it can move back. And over time, if we get EEGs every two weeks, we can start seeing these changes. And then the body does most of the work for you.”

“We’re not trying to overpower the brain with really high-power stimulus. It’s more of a gentle reminder of where the brain needs to go and then the body does a lot of the work for us.”

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms

Are You Suffering from PTSD?

If you’ve experienced or seen a terrifying life event or were exposed to trauma over a long period, you may suffer from PTSD. Here are a few symptoms you might experience:

tms for ptsd in tucson az

There is hope for a better life, less anxiety, better sleep, and a vastly improved outlook on life with MeRT. We highly individualize the treatment plan for each person, which can result in significant symptom improvement.

Results are based on active and strict observation of our regimens. Results may vary based on the individual user and are not guaranteed.

If you feel you may have PTSD, it’s vital to get a correct diagnosis from a trained professional. And if you’ve been diagnosed with PTSD, yet haven’t seen the results you’d hoped for despite treatment, then MeRT may be the solution.

Our Procedure and What to Expect

The Steps of MeRT Treatment for PTSD in Tucson, AZ

As MeRT is a relatively new treatment, you may have many questions as to whether it’s the right treatment for your PTSD. We know this isn’t a light decision, and we understand. That’s why your first step is to get all the information you need so you can make an informed decision. And that’s as simple as a free phone consultation with our New Patient Coordinator.

In this consultation, she will discuss your symptoms and history. She’ll also answer any questions you have and explain the treatment in full, including all fees and protocols.

Then, once you decide to take the next step, we will set up two separate appointments, one for testing and one for consultation. Each of these appointments will last 45 minutes to an hour. After these first two appointments, you will have an assessment period where the actual procedure and monitoring take place.

1. Testing

Your first appointment will consist of two simple tests, a qEEG and an EKG. These tests are easy, painless, and performed right in our office. For the EEG, we place a cap on your head to measure the electrical activity in your brain and map out any areas not performing as they should. We also perform an EKG to record your heart’s electrical signals.

Once we perform these tests, our team will carefully analyze the results. Based on this analysis, we develop a treatment plan customized to your specific condition and schedule your assessment period of treatment.

2. Consultation

After your tests are complete and we’ve reviewed and analyzed them, you will have a one-on-one consultation. You can do this virtually from the comfort of your home with Dr. Kim. We will discuss your test results and treatment protocols, answer any remaining questions, and let you know more about what to expect during your assessment period.

3. Assessment Period

During the two-week assessment period, we will perform a short period of treatment. This treatment will be Monday through Friday for the first week, and Monday through Friday for the second week. On Friday of the second week, we will perform another set of tests to see how you are responding. We then determine your progress based on the new EEG results compared to the initial one, as well as symptom improvements.

If we see a positive response to treatment during the assessment period, you will have likely noticed some improvements starting to take place. At that point, we will schedule additional MeRT treatment in two-week intervals.

At the end of every two weeks, we will perform a qEEG/EKG to monitor your progress; you will have a consultation to confirm that changes are still showing on the testing.

Most conditions treated with MeRT provide noticeable and long-lasting results after four to eight weeks of treatment; however, each patient is different, and results may vary.

A miracle.

“It was absolutely terrifying not to know what was wrong with me or how to fix the problem. They not only identified the deteriorated state of my brainwave activity, but they also restored its function. I consider the healing I experienced to be nothing short of a miracle.”


After returning from Iraq, Sgt. Jon Warren struggled with PTSD and sought various forms of treatment to improve his mental health to no avail. Then he found MeRT


Hundreds of Vets have experienced relief with MeRT

Read this article about an extensive study with hundreds of veterans participating who had been suffering from PTSD, treating their condition with MeRT instead of drugs.

The 3 Components of MeRT

MeRT, or Magnetic e-Resonance Therapy, uses a three-part protocol that measures, analyzes, and improves brain function. The three parts are:

(quantitative electroencephalogram)

This non-invasive test is also called “brain mapping.” We simply place a cap on your head to map your unique brainwaves.


While performing the qEEG, we also use an EKG to measure your heart’s electrical signals. This provides the most accurate results possible.

(repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation)

After analyzing your results and developing your tailored program, we place magnetic coils along your scalp to stimulate targeted brain areas.

How does MeRT work for PTSD?

MeRT (Magnetic e-Resonance Therapy) is an advanced, individualized neuromodulation approach that combines quantitative EEG (qEEG) brain mapping and magnetic stimulation. For PTSD, it identifies specific irregularities in brainwave activity that may result from trauma and then delivers precise, targeted magnetic pulses to optimize brain function.

What makes MeRT different from TMS for PTSD?

TMS typically targets a pre-determined area of the brain, often the left prefrontal cortex, using a one-size-fits-all protocol. In contrast, MeRT employs qEEG to create a tailored treatment plan, stimulating specific brain regions, using customized pulse rates, based on the individual’s unique neural patterns.

What are the benefits of MeRT for PTSD?

By directly addressing brainwave dysregulation, MeRT may reduce symptoms such as hypervigilance, anxiety, flashbacks, and irritability. Additionally, its non-invasive and medication-free nature makes it a safer alternative for those seeking a treatment option with minimal side effects.

How soon after MeRT Therapy will PTSD symptoms improve?

Some individuals may notice changes within the first few sessions, such as reduced anxiety or improved sleep, while others may require several weeks to experience significant relief. A typical course of MeRT therapy for PTSD spans several weeks, with ongoing improvements observed even after the treatment concludes.