A wide array of Neurological and Psychological Conditions have been successfully treated with MeRT.
MeRT Conditions Treated include Autism, various forms of Depression, PTSD, TBIs and more.
Your brain contains approximately 100 billion nerve cells (neurons) and these communicate via brainwaves on specific pathways in the brain.
The more often a pathway is used, the stronger it gets, but when forces—either internal or external—disrupt brain activity, these pathways can become weaker, or completely unused.
These forces can include trauma to the head, depression, PTSD, addiction, developmental disorders, sleeping disorders, and more.
While some people can still function in their day-to-day activities after experiencing a force that disrupts their brainwave activity, others have symptoms that won’t go away despite all manner of therapies and medications.
However, there is a solution: By restoring the unused, weakened pathways, MeRT can restore your brain health and your quality of life.
These are some of the MeRT Conditions treated that have had beneficial results.
While MeRT benefits are different for everyone, these can include:
MeRT, or Magnetic e-Resonance Therapy, uses a three-part protocol that measures, analyzes, and improves brain function. The three parts are:
This non-invasive test is also called “brain mapping.” We simply place a cap on your head to map your unique brainwaves.
While performing the qEEG, we also use an EKG to measure your heart’s electrical signals. This provides the most accurate results possible.
After analyzing your results and developing your tailored program, we place magnetic coils along your scalp to stimulate targeted brain areas.
You may still have a lot of questions about whether MeRT is the right treatment for you. And our New Patient Coordinator is here to help you! She’ll take the time to listen, answer questions, explain costs, and put your mind at ease. She can also assist you in getting scheduled should you decide to move forward with treatment.
Think of it this way: Making one free call can be the first step in freeing yourself from the symptoms of your condition.